Söktermen kompositum har 8 resultat
SV Svenska DE Tyska
kompositum (n) [word composed of others] (n) Zusammensetzung (n) {f} [word composed of others]
kompositum (n) [word composed of others] (n) Kompositum (n) [word composed of others] (n)
kompositum (n) [word composed of others] (n) zusammengesetztes (n) [word composed of others] (n)
DE Tyska SV Svenska
Kompositum (n) [Pharmazie] (n) kombinationsläkemedel (n) {n} [Pharmazie]
Kompositum (n) [Linguistik] (n) sammansätning (n) {u} [Linguistik]
Kompositum (n) [word composed of others] (n) sammansättning (n) [word composed of others] (u)
Kompositum (n) [word composed of others] (n) kompositum (n) [word composed of others] (n)
Kompositum (n) [word composed of others] (n) sammansatt ord (n) [word composed of others] (n)