impressionist | impressionist |
improduktiv | unproductive |
improduktivitet | unproductiveness |
improvisation | improvisation |
Improvisationsteater | Improvisational theatre |
improvisera | ad-lib |
improviserad | offhand |
improviserat | ad lib |
impuls | impulse |
impulsbrus | impulsive noise |
impulsiv | brash |
impulsivitet | impulsiveness |
impulsstörning | impulsive noise |
Imre Kertész | Imre Kertész |
Imre Lakatos | Imre Lakatos |
Imre Nagy | Imre Nagy |
IMS | IBM Information Management System |
Imset | Imset |
Imsil | Imsil |
Imst | Imst |
IMZ-Ural | IMZ-Ural |
in | inside |
In Case of Emergency | In case of emergency |
In Colour | The Concretes in Colour |
In Good Company | In Good Company |
in i | into |
In Love and Death | In Love and Death |
In Lust We Trust | In Lust We Trust |
In My Mind | In My Mind |
in natura | in kind |
in order | hålla ordning |
In pectore | In pectore |
In Salah | In Salah |
In Search of Santa | In Search of Santa |
In silico | In silico |
in situ | in situ |
In situ-hybridisering | In situ hybridization |
In the Aeroplane Over the Sea | In the Aeroplane Over the Sea |
In The Army Now | In the Army Now |
In the Bedroom | In the Bedroom |
In the Closet | In the Closet |
In the Court of the Crimson King | In the Court of the Crimson King |
In the Land of Grey and Pink | In the Land of Grey and Pink |
In the Mood for Love | In the Mood for Love |
In The Nightside Eclipse | In the Nightside Eclipse |
In the Zone | In the Zone |
in till stan | downtown |
in vitro-analys | in vitro assay |
In vitro-fertilisering | In vitro fertilisation |
in vivo-analys | in vivo assay |
In-Grid | In-Grid |
Inaccessible Island | Inaccessible Island |
Inachos | Inachus |
inackordering | board and lodging |
inackorderingsställe | boarding-house |
inadekvat | inadequate |
Inakhos | Inachus |
inaktiv | inactive |
inaktivera | inactivate |
inaktivitet | inactivity |
inalles | altogether |
inandas | inhale |
inandning | inhalation |