ironisk | ironic |
ironiskt | ironically |
irra | go astray |
irrande | devious |
irrationell | irrational |
irrationellt tal | surd |
Irrawaddy | Ayeyarwady River |
Irrawadidelfin | Irrawaddy Dolphin |
irrbloss | will-o'-the-wisp |
Irredentism | Irredentism |
Irreducibel komplexitet | Irreducible complexity |
irrelevans | irrelevance |
irrelevant | extraneous |
irreligiös | irreligious |
irreparabel | irreparable |
irreversibelt fenomen | irreversibility of the phenomenon |
irrgång | maze |
irritabel | irritable |
irritation | annoyance |
irritera | rile |