Svenska Engelska
Norfolkterrier Norfolk Terrier
Norfolkön Norfolk Island
Norge Norway
Norge under andra världskriget Occupation of Norway by Nazi Germany
Norges bidrag i Eurovisionsschlagerfestivalen Norway in the Eurovision Song Contest
Norges flagga Flag of Norway
Norges flygvapen Royal Norwegian Air Force
Norges Fotballforbund Football Association of Norway
Norges fylken Norway
Norges geografi Geography of Norway
Norges grevskap Norwegian nobility
Norges handelshøyskole NHH
Norges herrlandslag i bandy Norway national bandy team
Norges herrlandslag i fotboll Norway national football team
Norges herrlandslag i handboll Norway national handball team
Norges historia History of Norway
Norges järnvägsnät Rail transport in Norway
Norges Kommunistiska Parti Communist Party of Norway
Norges landsdelar Regions of Norway
Norges Marinförsvar Royal Norwegian Navy
Norges nationaldag Norwegian Constitution Day
Norges nationalopera Norwegian National Opera
Norges politik Politics of Norway
Norges statistiska centralbyrå Statistics Norway
Norges statsvapen Coat of arms of Norway
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet Norwegian University of Science and Technology
Norges tekniske høgskole Norwegian Institute of Technology
Nori Nori
Noricum Noricum
Norikerhäst Noriker horse
Norilsk Norilsk
norm rule
Norm MacDonald Norm Macdonald
norm om bostadskvalitet housing quality standard
Norm- Norma
Norma Norma
Norma Gladys Cappagli Norma Cappagli
normal regular
Normalflora Bacteria in the human body
Normalform Database normalization
Normalfördelning Normal distribution
normalisera normalize
normalisering normalization
Normalobjektiv Normal lens
Normalprofil I-beam
normalt normally
normaltid standard time
normaltillstånd normality
Normalvektor Surface normal
Normalvetenskap Normal science
Norman Angell Norman Angell
Norman Borlaug Norman Borlaug
Norman Davies Norman Davies
Norman Finkelstein Norman Finkelstein
Norman Greenbaum Norman Greenbaum
Norman Haworth Walter Haworth
Norman Lebrecht Norman Lebrecht
Norman Mailer Norman Mailer
Norman Robert Pogson Norman Robert Pogson
Norman Rockwell Norman Rockwell
normand norman
Normander Normans
Normandie Normandy
Normandie-Niemen Normandie-Niemen
normandisk Norman
Normandiska Norman
Normativ etik Normative ethics
normer för miljöföroreningar pollution norm
Nornor Norn
Norodom Norodom of Cambodia
Norodom Sihamoni Norodom Sihamoni
Norodom Sihanouk Norodom Sihanouk
Norodom Suramarit Norodom Suramarit