promenadväg | walk |
promenadvänlig | walkable |
promenadvänlighet | walkability |
promenera | walk |
promenera på | walk on |
Prometheus | Prometheus |
prometium | promethium |
Promille | Permille |
promiskuitet | promiscuity |
promiskuös | loose |
prompt | at once |
promulgera | promulgate |
Pronaos | Greek temple |
Pronator quadratus | Pronator quadratus |
Pronator teres | Pronator teres muscle |
pronomen | pronoun |
pronominell | pronominal |
Proof of Life | Proof of Life |
propaganda | propaganda |
Propaganda Due | Propaganda Due |
Propaganda fide | Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples |
Propagandamodellen | Propaganda model |
Propagandhi | Propagandhi |
propagandist | propagandist |
propagera | propagate |
propan | propane |
Propantriol | Glycerol |
propeller | aircraft propeller |
propellerström | race |