spö | rod |
spöa | destroy |
spök- | spectral |
spöka | haunt |
spökbild | ghost |
spökboll | dodgeball |
spökdjur | tarsier |
spöke | bugbear |
Spöken i Harry Potter | Hogwarts ghosts |
Spöket på Canterville | The Canterville Ghost |
spökhistoria | ghost story |
spökhus | haunted house |
Spökliftare | Vanishing hitchhiker |
spöklik | gaunt |
Spökplumpen | Phantom Blot |
Spökraket | Ghost rockets |
spökskrivare | ghostwriter |
spökstad | ghost town |
Spökstation | Ghost station |
spöktimme | witching hour |
spöktåg | ghost train |
spöregna | rain cats and dogs |
spörja | ask |
spörjning | question |
spörsmål | issue |
Spøttrups kommun | Spøttrup municipality |
SQL-injektion | SQL injection |
Squadron Supreme | Squadron Supreme |
Square Enix | Square Enix |
squash | squash |
squaw | squaw |
Squier | Squier |
SR | SR |
SRAM | Static random access memory |
Sranan | Sranan Tongo |
Srbica | Srbica |
Srbobran | Srbobran |
Srbosjek | Srbosjek |
Srdan Andrić | Srđan Andrić |
Srebarna naturreservat | Srebarna Nature Reserve |
Srebrenica | Srebrenica |