Söktermen be har 25 resultat
SV Svenska EN Engelska
be (v) [råd] seek (v) [råd] (formal)
be (v) [anmoda] call upon (v) [anmoda]
be (v) [anmoda] ask formally (v) [anmoda]
be (v) [anmoda] call on (v) [anmoda]
be (v) [religion] pray (v) [religion]
SV Svenska EN Engelska
be prey
be ask
be (v) [fråga] plead (v) [fråga]
EN Engelska SV Svenska
be sitta
be att vara eller inte vara
be finnas till
be uppsagd
be (v) [(archaic) used to form the perfect aspect with certain intransitive verbs] ha (v) [(archaic) used to form the perfect aspect with certain intransitive verbs]
be stå
be finnas
be ske
be bli
be (v) [place] vara belägen (v) [place]
be (v) [philosophy] existera (v) [philosophy]
be (v) [place] vara (v) [place]
be (v) [philosophy] vara (v) [philosophy]
be (v) [general] vara (v) [general]
be (v) [(archaic) used to form the perfect aspect with certain intransitive verbs] vara (v) [(archaic) used to form the perfect aspect with certain intransitive verbs]
be vara
be ligga

Engelska Svenska översättingar

EN Synonymer för be SV Översättningar
exist [state] existera
breathe [state] andas
continue [state] fortsätta
move [state] åtgärd (u)
subsist [state] livnära sig
be alive [state] leva
live [state] vistas