Söktermen cornice har 3 resultat
EN Engelska SV Svenska
cornice (n) [architecture] kornisch (n) [architecture] (u)
cornice (n) [the topmost architectural element of a building used as a means of directing rainwater away from the building's walls] kornisch (n) [the topmost architectural element of a building used as a means of directing rainwater away from the building's walls] (u)
cornice (n) [the topmost architectural element of a building used as a means of directing rainwater away from the building's walls] taklist (n) [the topmost architectural element of a building used as a means of directing rainwater away from the building's walls] (n)

Engelska Svenska översättingar

EN Synonymer för cornice SV Översättningar
frame [architectural ornament] enmarcar
frieze [architectural ornament] congelar
embellishment [architectural ornament] hermoseamienton
decoration [architectural ornament] decoracion
picture frame [architectural ornament] marco {m}
molding [architectural ornament] moldura {f}