Söktermen credulous har 5 resultat
EN Engelska SV Svenska
credulous (a) [easily convinced] godtrogen (a) [easily convinced]
credulous (adj) [excessively ready to believe things] godtrogen (adj) [excessively ready to believe things]
credulous (a) [easily convinced] lättrogen (a) [easily convinced]
credulous (adj) [excessively ready to believe things] lättrogen (adj) [excessively ready to believe things]
credulous (adj) [excessively ready to believe things] lättlurad (adj) [excessively ready to believe things]

Engelska Svenska översättingar

EN Synonymer för credulous SV Översättningar
simple [trusting] простой (adj)
gullible [trusting] наи́вный (adj)
candid [ingenuous] естественная (adj n)
fearful [believing in superstitions] пугли́вый (adj v n)
superstitious [believing in superstitions] суеве́рный (adj)
confident [accepting] уве́ренный (adj)
certain [accepting] не́кий (adj determiner)
convincing [accepting] убеди́тельный (adj)