Söktermen Frantic har 8 resultat
EN Engelska SV Svenska
frantic (a) [activity] vild (a) [activity]
frantic (o) [emotional condition] utom sig (o) [emotional condition]
frantic (o) [emotional condition] ursinnig (o) [emotional condition]
frantic (adj) [In a state of panic, worry, frenzy or rush] hektisk (adj) [In a state of panic, worry, frenzy or rush]
frantic (a) [activity] vanvettig (a) [activity]
frantic (adj) [In a state of panic, worry, frenzy or rush] frenetisk (adj) [In a state of panic, worry, frenzy or rush]
frantic (a) [attempt] frenetisk (a) [attempt]
frantic förtvivlade

Engelska Svenska översättingar

EN Synonymer för frantic SV Översättningar
crazy [mental condition] (informal folle {f}
insane [mental condition] dingue (m/f (informal))
mad [mental condition] fou {m}
distracted [mental condition] inattentif
wild [mental condition] sauvage {m}
delirious [frenzied] qui a le délire
frenetic [frenzied] frénétique
rabid [frenzied] enragé
furious [frenzied] furieux
burning [hectic] fulgurant
fevered [hectic] fiévreux
heated [hectic] passionné {m}
feverish [hectic] fébrile
panicky [feverish] sujet à la panique
hot [feverish] chaud
hysterical [feverish] hystérique {m}
febrile [feverish] fébrile
tumultuous [raging] frénétique
frenzied [raging] affolé
enraged [raging] enragé