Söktermen match - to merry har ett resultat
EN Engelska SV Svenska
match - to merry parti {n}

EN SV Översättningar för match

match (v) [comparison] motsvara (v) [comparison]
match (v) [clothing] passa (v) [clothing]
match (v) [opinion] korrespondera (v) [opinion]
match (n) [comparison - man] like (n) [comparison - man] (u)
match (n) [comparison - woman] like (n) [comparison - woman] (u)
match (n) [comparison - man] jämlike (n) [comparison - man] (u)
match (n) [comparison - woman] jämlike (n) [comparison - woman] (u)
match make (u)
match (v) [description] passa ihop med (v) [description]
match (v) [description] stämma med (v) [description]

EN SV Översättningar för to

to (o) [general] för (o) [general]
to (o) [in honor of] för (o) [in honor of]
to till
to (o) [causing] till (o) [causing]
to (o) [destination] till (o) [destination]
to (o) [direction] till (o) [direction]
to (o) [general] till (o) [general]
to (particle prep adv) [in the direction of, and arriving at] till (particle prep adv) [in the direction of, and arriving at]
to (o) [indirect object] till (o) [indirect object]
to (o) [reaching as far as] till (o) [reaching as far as]

EN SV Översättningar för merry

merry (a) [emotional condition] glad (a) [emotional condition]
merry (a) [person] livlig (a) [person]
merry (a) [emotional condition] gladlynt (a) [emotional condition]
merry (a) [person] uppsluppen (a) [person]
merry (a) [emotional condition] munter (a) [emotional condition]
merry (a) [person] munter (a) [person]
merry (a) [emotional condition] glättig (a) [emotional condition]
merry (a) [emotional condition] lycklig (a) [emotional condition]
merry god