Söktermen Root har 16 resultat
EN Engelska SV Svenska
root (n) [cause] ursprung (n) {n} [cause]
root källa (u)
root rot (u)
root (n v) [analysis: zero of a function] rot (n v) [analysis: zero of a function] (u)
root (n) [botany] rot (n) [botany] (u)
root (n) [hair] rot (n) [hair] (u)
root (n) [linguistics] rot (n) [linguistics] (u)
root (n) [mathematics] rot (n) [mathematics] (u)
root (n) [nail] rot (n) [nail] (u)
root (n) [tooth] rot (n) [tooth] (u)
root (n) [cause] upphov (n) {n} [cause]
root (v) [botany] slå rot (v) [botany]
root (v) [botany] rota sig (v) [botany]
root rötter
root tandrot
root (n v) [analysis: zero of a function] nollställe (n v) [analysis: zero of a function]

Engelska Svenska översättingar

EN Synonymer för root SV Översättningar
element [principle] élément chimique {m}
essence [principle] substance {f}
basis [principle] assises
core [principle] centre {m}
support [principle] être un supporter de
base [principle] coussin {m}
cause [reason] cause {f}
evidence [reason] preuve {f}
justification [reason] compte rendu {m}
assumption [reason] supposition {f}
premise [reason] prémisse {f}
grounds [reason] marc {m}
source [thing] source {f}
occasion [thing] (formal motif {m}
antecedent [thing] antécédent {m}
rationale [thing] (formal principe de base {m}
motive [thing] motif {m}
slip [limb] glissade
branch [limb] branche {f}
trim [limb] garnir