Söktermen shield har 9 resultat
EN Engelska SV Svenska
shield (v) [person] beskydda (v) [person]
shield (v) [person] värna (v) [person]
shield (n) [heraldry] vapen (n) {n} [heraldry]
shield skydda
shield (n) [heraldry] vapensköld (n) [heraldry] (u)
shield (n v) [anything that protects or defends] sköld (n v) [anything that protects or defends] (u)
shield (n) [history] sköld (n) [history] (u)
shield (n) [police] sköld (n) [police] (u)
shield (n v) [anything that protects or defends] skyddsplåt (n v) [anything that protects or defends]

Engelska Svenska översättingar

EN Synonymer för shield SV Översättningar
protection [safety] skydd {n}
immunity [safety] immunitet (u)
defense [safety] försvar {n}
invulnerability [safety] osårbarhet (u)
salvation [safety] räddning (u)
shelter [safety] skydd {n}
security [safety] trygghetskänsla (n)
defence [protection] värn
safety [protection] säkerhet (u)
safeguard [protection] skydd {n}
bulwark [protection] skyddsvall (u)
guard [protection] patrull (u)
defend [guard] försvara
protect [guard] förvara
save [guard] (formal spara
preserve [guard] sylta (u)
armour [complete covering] rustning (u)
covering [complete covering] täckning (u)
panoply [complete covering] fullständig rustning
observe [protect] varsebli