Söktermen stable har 7 resultat
EN Engelska SV Svenska
stable (a) [position] fast (a) [position]
stable (a) [behavior] stadig (a) [behavior]
stable (a) [position] stadig (a) [position]
stable (a) [behavior] stabil (a) [behavior]
stable (a) [position] stabil (a) [position]
stable (n) [animal husbandry] stall (n) {n} [animal husbandry]
stable (n v adj) [building for animals with hoofs] stall (n v adj) {n} [building for animals with hoofs]

Engelska Svenska översättingar

EN Synonymer för stable SV Översättningar
safe [state] kondom
fast [state] fast
fixed [state] fast
firm [state] firma
solid [quality] fast
sure [quality] sikker (adj int n v)
sound [characteristic] lyde
hard [characteristic] hård (adj)
barn [place] barak
shelter [place] asyl {n}
traditional [cautious] traditionsrig
lasting [permanent] uafbrudt
cell [stall] celle
chamber [stall] værelse (n v)
loyal [constant] tro
faithful [constant] tro
capable [reliable] dygtig
honest [reliable] ærlig
responsible [reliable] ansvarlig (adj)
regular [characterisitc] regelmæssig