Söktermen team har 9 resultat
SV Svenska EN Engelska
team (n v) [group of people] team (n v) [group of people]
SV Synonymer för team EN Översättningar
skift [arbetslag] n cambio {m}
lag [arbetslag] (u legge {f}
gäng [grupp] n banda {f}
division [kontingent] (u divisione {f}
grupp [kontingent] (u gruppo {m}
EN Engelska SV Svenska
team trupp (u)
team (n) [sports - soccer] elva (n) [sports - soccer] (u)
team (n) [general] lag (n) [general] (u)
team (n v) [group of people] lag (n v) [group of people] (u)
team (n) [sports - soccer] elvamannalag (n) {n} [sports - soccer]
team (n v) [group of people] stall (n v) {n} [group of people]
team arbetslag
team (n v) [group of people] team (n v) [group of people]

Engelska Svenska översättingar

EN Synonymer för team SV Översättningar
group [group of four] frakcja {f}
ensemble [group of four] zespół {m}
quartet [group of four] kwartet
party [group of four] partia polityczna
squad [armed forces] oddział {m}
force [armed forces] siła {f}
unit [armed forces] jedynka {f}
organisation [armed forces] organizacja {f}
organization [armed forces] zrzeszenie {n}
detail [armed forces] szczegół {m}
gang [group] zgraja {f}
relay [group] przekaźnik {m}
shift [group] (informal przesunięcie (v n)
bunch [crew] zgraja {f}
outfit [crew] ubiór {m}
crowd [crew] tłum {m}
platoon [crew] pluton
company [crew] spółka {f}
troupe [company] trupa {f}
cast [company] obsadzić