Söktermen tired out har 6 resultat
EN Engelska SV Svenska
tired out (a) [physical condition] (informal) slut (a) {n} [physical condition]
tired out (a) [physical condition] (informal) dödstrött (a) [physical condition]
tired out (a) [physical condition] (informal) utpumpad (a) [physical condition]
tired out (a) [physical condition] (informal) uttröttad (a) [physical condition]
tired out (a) [physical condition] (informal) utmattad (a) [physical condition]
tired out (a) [physical condition] (informal) trött (a) [physical condition]

EN SV Översättningar för tired

tired trött
tired (adj) [in need of rest or sleep] trött (adj) [in need of rest or sleep]
tired (a) [physical condition] trött (a) [physical condition]

EN SV Översättningar för out

out ut
out (o) [location] ute (o) [location]