Söktermen wealth har 13 resultat
EN Engelska SV Svenska
wealth (n) [nature] tillgångar (n) [nature] (up)
wealth (n) [great amount; an abundance or plenty, usually of money] rikedom (n) [great amount; an abundance or plenty, usually of money] (u)
wealth (n) [money] rikedom (n) [money] (u)
wealth (n) [possession] rikedom (n) [possession] (u)
wealth (n) [great amount; an abundance or plenty, usually of money] välstånd (n) {n} [great amount; an abundance or plenty, usually of money]
wealth (n) [money] välstånd (n) {n} [money]
wealth (n) [great amount; an abundance or plenty, usually of money] förmögenhet (n) [great amount; an abundance or plenty, usually of money] (u)
wealth (n) [money] förmögenhet (n) [money] (u)
wealth (n) [possession] förmögenhet (n) [possession] (u)
wealth (n) [quantity] överflöd (n) {n} [quantity]
wealth (n) [quantity] myckenhet (n) [quantity] (u)
wealth (n) [quantity] riklighet (n) [quantity] (u)
wealth (n) [nature] rikedomar (n) [nature] (up)

Engelska Svenska översättingar

EN Synonymer för wealth SV Översättningar
inheritance [possessions] lascito {m}
estate [possessions] possedimento
fortune [possessions] patrimonio {m}
cache [riches] memoria cache (n v)
accumulation [riches] addensamento
store [riches] registrare
stockpile [riches] scorta {f}
treasure [riches] tesoro {m}
hoard [riches] gruzzolo
credit [financial standing] onore {m}
rank [financial standing] lussureggiante
position [financial standing] orientare
assets [financial standing] patrimonio {m}
condition [financial standing] essere {m}
collection [hidden reserve] raccolta {f}
supplies [hidden reserve] provviste {f}
reserve [hidden reserve] riserbare
riches [means] (literature prosperità {f}
gold [means] aureo
abundance [quantity] dovizia {f}