Söktermen giravolta har 5 resultat
IT Italienska SV Svenska
giravolta (n v adj) [one who violates his allegiance and betrays his/her country] {f} quisling (n v adj) [one who violates his allegiance and betrays his/her country] (u)
giravolta (n v adj) [one who violates his allegiance and betrays his/her country] {f} landsförrädare (n v adj) [one who violates his allegiance and betrays his/her country] (u)
giravolta (n) [a traitor] {f} överlöpare (n) [a traitor] (u)
giravolta (n) [a traitor] {f} kappvändare (n) [a traitor] (n)
giravolta (n) [a traitor] {f} vänder kappan efter vinden (n) [a traitor] (n)

Italienska Svenska översättingar

IT Synonymer för giravolta SV Översättningar
curva [tortuosità] f kurve
giro [capovolta] m bøjning