Söktermen specchietto per le allodole har ett resultat
IT Italienska SV Svenska
specchietto per le allodole (n) [generale] {m} lockbete (n) {n} [generale]

IT SV Översättningar för per

per (conj prep) [because of] för (conj prep) [because of]
per (conj prep) [directed at, intended to belong to] för (conj prep) [directed at, intended to belong to]
per (prep adj) [for the purpose of] för (prep adj) [for the purpose of]
per (o) [generale] för (o) [generale]
per (o) [preposizione] för (o) [preposizione]
per (o) [ragione] för (o) [ragione]
per (prep adv adj n) [indicates a rule followed] efter (prep adv adj n) [indicates a rule followed]
per (o) [ragione] (o) [ragione]
per (prep adj) [for the purpose of] till (prep adj) [for the purpose of]
per (o) [generale] till (o) [generale]

IT SV Översättningar för le

le (article adv) [article] det (article adv) [article]
le (o) [articolo determinativo] det (o) [articolo determinativo]
le (article adv) [used as an alternative to a possessive pronoun before body parts] det (article adv) [used as an alternative to a possessive pronoun before body parts]
le (article adv) [with a superlative] det (article adv) [with a superlative]
le (article adv) [with an adjectival noun, as in “the hungry” to mean “hungry people”] det (article adv) [with an adjectival noun, as in “the hungry” to mean “hungry people”]
le (article adv) [article] den (article adv) [article]
le (o) [articolo determinativo] den (o) [articolo determinativo]
le (article adv) [used as an alternative to a possessive pronoun before body parts] den (article adv) [used as an alternative to a possessive pronoun before body parts]
le (article adv) [with a superlative] den (article adv) [with a superlative]
le (article adv) [with an adjectival noun, as in “the hungry” to mean “hungry people”] den (article adv) [with an adjectival noun, as in “the hungry” to mean “hungry people”]

Italienska Svenska översättingar

IT Synonymer för specchietto per le allodole SV Översättningar
tranello [vana lusinga] m fälla (u)
trappola [vana lusinga] f hake (u)