Söktermen klok har 10 resultat
SV Svenska JA Japansk
klok (adj) [showing clever resourcefulness in practical matters] 賢明な (adj) [showing clever resourcefulness in practical matters] (adj)
klok (adj v n) [showing good judgement] 賢明な (adj v n) [showing good judgement] (adj)
klok (v adj n) [exhibiting intellectual knowledge, such as that found in books] 賢い (v adj n) [exhibiting intellectual knowledge, such as that found in books] (adj)
klok (adj) [mentally quick or sharp] 賢い (adj) [mentally quick or sharp] (adj)
klok (adj) [showing clever resourcefulness in practical matters] 賢い (adj) [showing clever resourcefulness in practical matters] (adj)
SV Svenska JA Japansk
klok (adj v n) [showing good judgement] 賢い (adj v n) [showing good judgement] (adj)
klok (v adj n) [exhibiting intellectual knowledge, such as that found in books] 利口な (v adj n) [exhibiting intellectual knowledge, such as that found in books] (v adj n)
klok (adj) [mentally quick or sharp] 利口な (adj) [mentally quick or sharp] (v adj n)
klok (v adj n) [exhibiting intellectual knowledge, such as that found in books] 頭がいい (v adj n) [exhibiting intellectual knowledge, such as that found in books] (v adj n)
klok (adj) [mentally quick or sharp] 頭がいい (adj) [mentally quick or sharp] (v adj n)
SV Synonymer för klok JA Översättningar
intelligent [utrustad med] 聡明 (adj n)
begåvad [utrustad med] 多才 (adj)
nykter [planmässig] シラフ (adj v)
klyftig [beläst] 聡明 (adj n)
förslagen [slug] 巧妙な
fiffig [slug] 狡猾な (adj)
sinnrik [slug] 両手利きの (adj)
smart [slug] 頭がいい (v adj n)
finurlig [slug] 狡猾な (adj)
skarpsinnig [slug] 鋭利な (adj adv n v)
listig [slug] 狡猾な (adj)
pålitlig [säker] 着実 (adj v)
erfaren [säker] 経験豊かな (adj)
jordnära [sakkunnig] 地に足のついた (adj)
praktisk [sakkunnig] 便利 (adj)
lämplig [rekommendabel] 相応しい (adj)
nyttig [rekommendabel] 役に立つ (adj)
fördelaktig [rekommendabel] 有利な (adj)
måttfull [besinningsfull] 禁欲的 (adj)
lugn [besinningsfull] n 平安 (adj n v)