Söktermen rulla ihop har 2 resultat
SV Svenska NL Holländska
rulla ihop (v n) [to wrap round on itself] oprollen (v n) [to wrap round on itself]
rulla ihop (v n) [to wrap round on itself] rollen (v n) [to wrap round on itself]

SV NL Översättningar för rulla

rulla (v n) [to bind or involve by winding] oprollen (v n) [to bind or involve by winding]
rulla (v n) [to wrap round on itself] oprollen (v n) [to wrap round on itself]
rulla (v) [allmän] rollen (v) [allmän]
rulla (v) [databehandling] rollen (v) [databehandling]
rulla (v n) [to cause to revolve] rollen (v n) [to cause to revolve]
rulla (v n) [to drive or impel forward with an easy motion] rollen (v n) [to drive or impel forward with an easy motion]
rulla (v n) [to move, or cause to be moved, upon rollers or small wheels] rollen (v n) [to move, or cause to be moved, upon rollers or small wheels]
rulla (v n) [to wrap round on itself] rollen (v n) [to wrap round on itself]
rulla (v) [allmän] voortrollen (v) [allmän]
rulla (v) [nautisk] slingeren (v) [nautisk]

SV NL Översättningar för ihop

ihop (adv adj) [at the same time, in the same place] samen (adv adj) [at the same time, in the same place]
ihop (adv adj) [at the same time, in the same place] tezamen (adv adj) [at the same time, in the same place]
SV Synonymer för rulla ihop NL Översättningar
ta ner [reva segel] kappen {n}
minska [reva segel] krimpen
beslå [reva segel] oprollen
ta in [reva segel] gevangennemen {n}
reva [reva segel] (u scheur {m}