Söktermen duka under har ett resultat
| duka (v n adj) [to arrange with dishes and cutlery] | | nakryć (v n adj) [to arrange with dishes and cutlery] | |
| duka (v n adj) [to arrange with dishes and cutlery] | | zastawić (v n adj) [to arrange with dishes and cutlery] | |
| under (n) {n} | | cud (n) {m} | |
| under (n v) [something that causes amazement or awe, a marvel] {n} | | cud (n v) {m} [something that causes amazement or awe, a marvel] | |
| under (n) {n} | | pod (n) | |
| under (prep adv adj) [beneath the surface of] {n} | | pod (prep adv adj) [beneath the surface of] | |
| under (prep adv adj) [in a lower level than] {n} | | pod (prep adv adj) [in a lower level than] | |
| under (prep adv) [lower in spatial position than] {n} | | pod (prep adv) [lower in spatial position than] | |
| under (prep adv adj) [subject of] {n} | | pod (prep adv adj) [subject of] | |
| under (n) {n} | | podczas (n) | |
| under (prep) [within a given time interval] {n} | | podczas (prep) [within a given time interval] | |
| under (prep adv) [lower in spatial position than] {n} | | poniżej (prep adv) [lower in spatial position than] | |