Söktermen päls har 6 resultat
SV Svenska PL Polska
päls (n) (u) futro (n) {n}
päls (n v) [hairy coat of a mammal, especially when fine, soft and thick] (u) futro (n v) {n} [hairy coat of a mammal, especially when fine, soft and thick]
päls (n v) [hairy skin processed to serve as a wear for people] (u) futro (n v) {n} [hairy skin processed to serve as a wear for people]
päls (n) [coat made of animal fur] (u) kożuch (n) {m} [coat made of animal fur]
päls (n v) [fur or feathers] (u) sierść (n v) {f} [fur or feathers]
päls (n v) [hairy coat of a mammal, especially when fine, soft and thick] (u) sierść (n v) {f} [hairy coat of a mammal, especially when fine, soft and thick]
SV Synonymer för päls PL Översättningar
pälskappa [pälsverk] (u шу́ба (n)
cape [pälsverk] (u пелерина (n v)
skinn [fäll] n ко́жа (n v)
borst [strävt hår] (p четина (n v)
rock [ytterplagg] (u жакет {m}
mantel [ytterplagg] (u покривало (n v)
kappa [ytterplagg] (u тога (n v)