Söktermen krossa har 15 resultat
SV Svenska PT Portugisiska
krossa (v) [fönster] quebrar (v) [fönster]
krossa (v) [(colloquial) to defeat soundly] arrasar (v) [(colloquial) to defeat soundly] (informal)
krossa (v) [klämma ihop] apertar (v) [klämma ihop]
krossa (v) [fönster] despedaçar (v) [fönster]
krossa (v) [klämma ihop] espremer (v) [klämma ihop]
krossa (v) [(colloquial) to defeat soundly] destruir (v) [(colloquial) to defeat soundly]
krossa (n v) [to press or bruise between two hard bodies] amassar (n v) [to press or bruise between two hard bodies]
krossa (v) [fönster] estilhaçar (v) [fönster]
krossa (v) [to smash, or break into tiny pieces] estilhaçar (v) [to smash, or break into tiny pieces]
krossa (v) [to violently break something into pieces] estilhaçar (v) [to violently break something into pieces]
krossa (n v) [to reduce to fine particles by pounding or grinding] pulverizar (n v) [to reduce to fine particles by pounding or grinding]
krossa (n v) [to reduce to fine particles by pounding or grinding] esmigalhar (n v) [to reduce to fine particles by pounding or grinding]
krossa (v) [allmän] esmagar (v) [allmän]
krossa (v) [fönster] partir-se em pedaços (v) [fönster]
krossa (n v) [to reduce to fine particles by pounding or grinding] triturar (n v) [to reduce to fine particles by pounding or grinding]