Söktermen enhällighet har 2 resultat
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SV Svenska RU Ryska
enhällighet (n) [The condition of complete agreement by all parties, the state of being unanimous] (u) единоду́шие (n) [The condition of complete agreement by all parties, the state of being unanimous] (n)
enhällighet (n) [The condition of complete agreement by all parties, the state of being unanimous] (u) единогла́сие (n) [The condition of complete agreement by all parties, the state of being unanimous] (n)
SV Synonymer för enhällighet RU Översättningar
motsvarighet [samstämmighet] (u эквивале́нт (adj n)
likhet [samstämmighet] (u ра́венство (n)
analogi [samstämmighet] (u аналогия
trohet [samstämmighet] (u лоя́льность (n)
överensstämmelse [samstämmighet] (u согла́сие (n v)
kongruens [enighet] (u согласова́ние (n)
sammanhållning [sämja] связь (f)
solidaritet [sämja] (u солида́рность
lojalitet [sämja] (u пре́данность (n)
enighet [sämja] (u согла́сие (n v)