Söktermen Anders And har 2 resultat
DA Danska SV Svenska
Anders And Kalle Anka
Anders And (proper n) [one of the Disney characters] Kalle Anka (proper n) [one of the Disney characters]

DA SV Översättningar för anders

DA SV Översättningar för and

and (n v) [aquatic bird of the family Anatidae] anka (n v) [aquatic bird of the family Anatidae] (u)
and (n v) [flesh of a duck used as food] anka (n v) [flesh of a duck used as food] (u)
and and
and (n v) [aquatic bird of the family Anatidae] and (n v) [aquatic bird of the family Anatidae]
and (n v) [flesh of a duck used as food] and (n v) [flesh of a duck used as food]
and anka (u)