magnetelektrisk | magneto-electric |
Magnetfält | Magnetic field |
Magnetic Fields | The Magnetic Fields |
magnetisering | magnetization |
magnetisk | magnetic |
Magnetisk resonanstomografi | Magnetic resonance imaging |
Magnetiska konstanten | Magnetic constant |
magnetiskt flöde | flux |
magnetiskt fält | magnetic field |
magnetism | magnetism |
magnetit | lodestone |
Magnetremsa | Magnetic stripe card |
Magnetron | Cavity magnetron |
magnetsim | magnetism |
Magnetskenbroms | Track brake |
magnetventiler | solenoid |
Magnificat | Magnificat |
magnifik | magnificent |
magnifikt | magnificently |
Magnitogorsk | Magnitogorsk |
magnitud | amplitude |
magnolia | magnolia |
Magnoliales | Magnoliales |
Magnoliaväxter | Magnoliaceae |
Magnoliidae | Magnoliidae |
Magnox | Magnox |
magnumbutelj | magnum |
Magnus | Magnus |
Magnus Aurivillius | Sven Magnus Aurivillius |
Magnus Bäckstedt | Magnus Bäckstedt |
Magnus Carlsen | Magnus Carlsen |
Magnus Eriksson | Magnus IV of Sweden |
Magnus Henriksson | Magnus of Sweden |
Magnus I Olavsson | Magnus I of Norway |
Magnus II Haraldsson | Magnus II of Norway |
Magnus III Barfot | Magnus III of Norway |
Magnus IV Sigurdsson | Magnus IV of Norway |
Magnus Jacob Crusenstolpe | Magnus Jacob Crusenstolpe |
Magnus Ladulås | Magnus III of Sweden |
Magnus Lindberg | Magnus Lindberg |
Magnus Maximus | Magnus Maximus |
Magnus Nicolai Celsius | Magnus Celsius |
Magnus Nilsson av Danmark | Magnus I of Gothenland |
Magnus Stenbock | Magnus Stenbock |
Magnus VI Lagaböter | Magnus VI of Norway |
Magnuseffekten | Magnus effect |
Mago Barkas | Mago |
magont | stomachache |
magplask | belly flop |
magplågor | stomach pains |
magpump | stomach pump |
magra | slim |