Söktermen mängd har 6 resultat
SV Svenska FR Franska
mängd (v n adj) [set theory: collection of objects] (u) ensemble (v n adj) {m} [set theory: collection of objects]
mängd (n v) [total or sum of items] (u) montant (n v) {m} [total or sum of items]
mängd (n v) [quantity or volume] (u) quantité (n v) {f} [quantity or volume]
mängd (v n adj) [collection of various objects for a particular purpose, such as a set of tools] (u) jeu (v n adj) {m} [collection of various objects for a particular purpose, such as a set of tools]
mängd (n v) [group of people] (u) essaim (n v) {m} [group of people]
mängd (v n) [group of things] (u) monceau (v n) [group of things]
SV Synonymer för mängd FR Översättningar
massa [anhopning] (u monceau
myller [anhopning] n essaim {m}
kaos [anhopning] n chaos {m}
trängsel [anhopning] (u bouchon {m}
hög [stapel] monceau
upplag [stapel] réserve {f}
stack [stapel] (u pile {f}
packe [stapel] (u fagot
bråte [stapel] n débris (mp)
laddning [stapel] charge {f}
parti [myckenhet] n parti {m}
belopp [myckenhet] n somme {f}
mått [myckenhet] n gabarit {m}
del [andel] (u part {f}
tal [kvantum] n discours {m}
frekvens [kvantum] (u fréquence {f}
dos [kvantum] (u dose {f}
stim [vimmel] n banc de poissons {m}
svärm [vimmel] (u essaim {m}
gytter [vimmel] n agrégation {f}