Söktermen inneboende har 4 resultat
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SV Svenska JA Japansk
inneboende (n) [US: with whom one shares an apartment or house] 同居人 (n) [US: with whom one shares an apartment or house] (n)
inneboende (n) [US: with whom one shares an apartment or house] ルームメイト (n) [US: with whom one shares an apartment or house] (n)
inneboende (n) [US: with whom one shares an apartment or house] 部屋っ子 (n) [US: with whom one shares an apartment or house] (n)
inneboende (n) [US: with whom one shares an apartment or house] ハウスメイト (n) [US: with whom one shares an apartment or house] (n)
SV Synonymer för inneboende JA Översättningar
bunden [dold] obligado
slumrande [dold] n sueño ligero {m}
potentiell [dold] potencial {m}
manifest [dold] n manifiesto {m}
latent [dold] latente
skäkta [kackerlacka] virote
loppa [kackerlacka] (u pulga {f}
ohyra [kackerlacka] (u alimaña
lus [kackerlacka] (u piojo {m}
naturlig [nedärvd] simple
ursprunglig [nedärvd] prístino
obetingad [nedärvd] profundo
kongenital [nedärvd] congénito
medfödd [nedärvd] congénito
ärvd [naturenlig] heredado
tänkbar [möjlig] imaginable
teoretisk [möjlig] teórico {m}
presumtiv [möjlig] supuesto
invånare [hyresgäst] (u habitante {m}
parasit [hyresgäst] (u parásitos