Söktermen det har 32 resultat
SV Svenska NL Holländska
det (article adv) [article] het (article adv) [article]
det (conj determiner pronoun adv) [that thing] det (conj determiner pronoun adv) [that thing] (conj determiner pronoun adv)
det (adv int n pronoun) [in existence] er (adv int n pronoun) [in existence]
det hij
det (o) [relativt pron. - objekt - sg.] wat (o) [relativt pron. - objekt - sg.]
SV Svenska NL Holländska
det (article adv) [with an adjectival noun, as in “the hungry” to mean “hungry people”] het (article adv) [with an adjectival noun, as in “the hungry” to mean “hungry people”]
det (article adv) [with a superlative] het (article adv) [with a superlative]
det (article adv) [used as an alternative to a possessive pronoun before body parts] het (article adv) [used as an alternative to a possessive pronoun before body parts]
det (article adv) [stressed, indicating that the object in question is the only one worthy of attention] het (article adv) [stressed, indicating that the object in question is the only one worthy of attention]
det (o) [pers. pron. - subjekt] het (o) [pers. pron. - subjekt]
det (o) [pers. pron. - direkt objekt] het (o) [pers. pron. - direkt objekt]
det (o) [demonstrativ] het (o) [demonstrativ]
det (o) [bestämd artikel] het (o) [bestämd artikel]
det (o) [bestämd artikel] dat (o) [bestämd artikel]
det (article adv) [with an adjectival noun, as in “the hungry” to mean “hungry people”] de (article adv) [with an adjectival noun, as in “the hungry” to mean “hungry people”]
det (article adv) [used as an alternative to a possessive pronoun before body parts] de (article adv) [used as an alternative to a possessive pronoun before body parts]
det (article adv) [stressed, indicating that the object in question is the only one worthy of attention] de (article adv) [stressed, indicating that the object in question is the only one worthy of attention]
det (o) [demonstrativ] de (o) [demonstrativ]
det (o) [bestämd artikel] de (o) [bestämd artikel]
det (article adv) [article] de (article adv) [article]
det (conj determiner pronoun adv) [what is being indicated] die (conj determiner pronoun adv) [what is being indicated]
det (o) [demonstrativ] die (o) [demonstrativ]
det (o) [bestämd artikel] die (o) [bestämd artikel]
det (conj determiner pronoun adv) [what is being indicated] dat (conj determiner pronoun adv) [what is being indicated]
det (conj determiner pronoun adv) [that thing] dat (conj determiner pronoun adv) [that thing]
det (o) [demonstrativ] dat (o) [demonstrativ]
SV Synonymer för det NL Översättningar
attraktion [dragningskraft] (u glamor
charm [dragningskraft] (u charm
fascination [dragningskraft] (u fascination
lockelse [dragningskraft] (u allurement
eggelse [dragningskraft] (u incitement
glamour [dragningskraft] (u glamour
behag [tjusning] n gracefully
förtrollning [tjusning] (u enchantment (literature, arch.)
grace [tjusning] (u gracefulness
sex appeal [tjusning] n sex appeal
magnetism [charm] (u magnetism
dragningskraft [charm] (u attraction
NL Holländska SV Svenska
det (conj determiner pronoun adv) [that thing] (conj determiner pronoun adv) den där (conj determiner pronoun adv) [that thing]
det (conj determiner pronoun adv) [that thing] (conj determiner pronoun adv) det där (conj determiner pronoun adv) [that thing]
det (conj determiner pronoun adv) [that thing] (conj determiner pronoun adv) detta (conj determiner pronoun adv) [that thing]
det (conj determiner pronoun adv) [that thing] (conj determiner pronoun adv) det (conj determiner pronoun adv) [that thing]
det (conj determiner pronoun adv) [that thing] (conj determiner pronoun adv) den (conj determiner pronoun adv) [that thing]
det (conj determiner pronoun adv) [that thing] (conj determiner pronoun adv) denna (conj determiner pronoun adv) [that thing]