Söktermen sida har 11 resultat
SV | Svenska | PT | Portugisiska | |
| sida (n v) [flat surface of an object] | | face (n v) {f} [flat surface of an object] | |
| sida (n v) [bounding straight edge of an object] | | lado (n v) {m} [bounding straight edge of an object] | |
| sida (n v) [flat surface of an object] | | lado (n v) {m} [flat surface of an object] | |
| sida (n v) [group having a particular allegiance in a war] | | lado (n v) {m} [group having a particular allegiance in a war] | |
| sida (n v) [left or right half] | | lado (n v) {m} [left or right half] | |
SV | Svenska | PT | Portugisiska | |
| sida (n v) [one possible aspect of a concept] | | lado (n v) {m} [one possible aspect of a concept] | |
| sida (n v) [region in a specified position with respect to something] | | lado (n v) {m} [region in a specified position with respect to something] | |
| sida (n v) [one possible aspect of a concept] | | parte (n v) {f} [one possible aspect of a concept] | |
| sida (n v) [surface of a sheet of paper] | | página (n v) {f} [surface of a sheet of paper] | |
| sida (adj n v) [side of military formation] | | flanco (adj n v) {m} [side of military formation] | |
| sida (n v) [one among many similar yet distinct things] | | faceta (n v) {f} [one among many similar yet distinct things] | |