odiskutabel | absolute |
odisputabel | certain |
odjur | barbarian |
Odjurens tid | Walking with Beasts |
odla | grow |
odlad | cultivated |
odlad pärla | cultured pearl |
odlad växt | cultivated plant |
odlar | cultivates |
odlare | tiller |
odling | cultivation |
odling av jordbruksmark | cultivation of agricultural land |
odling av träd och buskar | arboriculture |
odlingsbar | arable |
odlingsmetod | cultivation method |
odlingssystem | cultivation system |
Odo | Odo |
Odo av Bayeux | Odo of Bayeux |
Odo de Cluny | Odo of Cluny |
odokumenterat | undocumented |
odon | bog bilberry |
odontologi | dentistry |
Odorheiu Secuiesc | Odorheiu Secuiesc |
Odovakar | Odoacer |
ODP | ozone depletion potential |
Odranci | Odranci |
odrickbar | undrinkable |
odräglig | pestiferous |
Oduduwa | Oduduwa |
oduglig | amateurish |
oduglighet | disability |
odugling | duffer |
odygd | mischief |
odygdig | wicked |
Odysseus | Odysseus |
Odysseus Elytis | Odysseas Elytis |
Odysséen | Odyssey |
odåga | bum |
odödlig | deathless |
odödliggöra | immortalize |