Söktermen food har 13 resultat
EN Engelska SV Svenska
food (n) [any substance consumed by living organisms to sustain life] föda (n) [any substance consumed by living organisms to sustain life] (u)
food (n) [comestibles] föda (n) [comestibles] (u)
food kost (u)
food (n) [comestibles] näring (n) [comestibles] (u)
food (n) [comestibles] näringsmedel (n) {n} [comestibles]
food mat (u)
food (n) [any substance consumed by living organisms to sustain life] mat (n) [any substance consumed by living organisms to sustain life] (u)
food (n) [comestibles] mat (n) [comestibles] (u)
food livsmedel {n}
food (n) [comestibles] livsmedel (n) {n} [comestibles]
food (n) [comestibles] matvaror (n) [comestibles] (up)
food matsäck
food föda (u)

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